Healing Days Treatment Procedure
Your Spirit Healing Day with Healers Charlene and Pjotr Elkunoviz
Every healing treatment is personal, individual and carried out according to the needs of each person, regardless of whether the treatment takes place in the practice in Potsdam or online.
Pjotr and Charlene Elkunoviz begin every healing treatment with the establishment of the Divine Order in the human being through Spiritual Realignment. Impulses for regeneration are given and self-healing powers are released.
Spiritual Realignment is done in a gentle way. The person being treated often feels a slight and pleasant loosening and correction in the body. During the treatment there is a tremendous increase of energy, which enables physical and spiritual higher development.
Spiritual Realignment – The Divine Impulse
Spiritual Realignment is the divine impulse that changes and gives a renewing shape. One is in a blissful state during the contact and experiences oneself in two realities at the same time. In one half of the time one feels the physical identity and in the other half the oneness with the wholeness of all being. One comes into the present where there is no time, only the now. This is how everyone is led into this level of consciousness. Humanity is approaching the birth of a new consciousness that brings with it a transformation of thought and perception.
Blockages and old, previously lived patterns can dissolve, as this life energy is self-regulating and can now unfold freely again. This can also change the mental attitude in the person to feel new life force. Nowhere is the regenerative power of nature, self-healing, better demonstrated than in this treatment, which is effective for children and adults of all ages. It is a profound and unforgettable experience to be allowed to experience the Spiritual Realignment with oneself and with others. The change in the body is immediately visible!
For whom is Spiritual Realignment useful?
Spiritual Realignment is for everyone: children, adults, seniors, pregnant women as well as athletes, regardless of national and cultural origin, age and health condition.
In Spiritual Realignment, the union of the Individual Self with the Universal Self takes place and penetrates all the cells of the body and the body consciousness of the person. Those who are treated repeatedly confirm that they are filled with strength, determination, daring, enthusiasm, an alert mind and inner peace. Conflicting thoughts are harmonized and the mental and emotional attitude changes for the better.
Your body is your temple! Keep it clean and pure so that your soul can dwell well in it. There is a spark of divinity slumbering in every human being, which is rekindled through Spiritual Realignment.
Spiritual Realignment rises like a surge of irresistible power and embodies the mystery of the cosmos. It presupposes the readiness for an intuitive form of perception of all spheres of knowledge and through the channel of the mediator, through his spirit, it draws all human beings into its cosmic flow. This is the moment when the soul of man conceives itself as One with God. It is the existence of a universal consciousness.
Treatment process
- The healing treatments are individual and as single appointments. A maximum of one accompanying person is possible.
- Individual conversation and attunement
- Individual Treatment – The Spiritual Realignment
- Healing of the Moment and Spiritual Alchemy with Heavy Metal Transformation
- Healing power activation as desired
Please book an appointment online below. Either as an on-site appointment in the practice or also as an online treatment. Both types of treatment are equally effective and efficient.
The Spiritual Realignment does not need to be repeated. Follow-up treatments are possible as needed for chronic, mental and emotional complaints.
Book your treatment

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