Die Geistige Aufrichtung feiert 35 Jahre Jubiläum durch den Initiator Pjotr Elkunoviz.

The Book:

The Spiritual Realignment


Pjotr Elkunoviz and his son Alexander Toskar.

Father and Son – Together with Love and Devotion to Humanity

Alexander Toskar, my son, was the first person ever to be «spiritually realigned» by me, his father, and placed in the knowledge, in the energy of Spiritual Realignment.

Alexander has witnessed and accompanied my development and Spiritual Realignment for many years.

I am very grateful to my son Alexander and his wife Carolin for this work. Alexander and Carolin have made a great contribution to all humanity. A monument of the representation of the love and grace of the Most High – the Spiritual Realignment.

Already with the first publication of this book in 2007, on Spiritual Realignment, hundreds of thousands of people could be «awakened» and experience their transformation and renewal on all levels.

The book Spiritual Realignment is a bestseller and has been translated into several languages so that the knowledge of this miraculous Divine help can reach all people in the world. 

Also available in English, Russian, Lithuanian, Italian, French, Spanish and Thai.

My son Alexander Toskar and his wife Carolin run their healing centre in Cologne, Munich and Zurich www.toskar.de and are also very active in other countries.

The Spiritual Realignment – The Book

The great spiritual bestseller about the nature and work of Spiritual Realignment.
By Alexander Toskar

In this book, Alexander Toskar presents for the first time his father’s groundbreaking healing work and the fundamental laws of Spiritual Realignment. In a fascinating way it becomes clear how close the connection between consciousness and body is. Spiritual Realignment therefore includes the whole human being, in its trinity of body, soul and spirit.

A unique masterpiece on the laws of spiritual healing and a wonderful guide to becoming mentally and physically healthy!

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