Charlene Elkunoviz

Charlene was born to German parents in Brazil and grew up there. Already in childhood, very attached to God, she had the desire to help people and animals and to protect nature. Brazil has so much natural beauty and they certainly want to preserve that.
Versatile around health, well-being and also beauty in everything that is, inspired by her creative streak, she studied interior design with the idea of improving people’s quality of life and living through harmonization. After successfully working as an interior designer, she realized that this alone could not be the «fulfilment». So she followed up with a university degree in International Relations in Brazil with an internship at the Ministry of Environment in Vienna.
Because of severe back pain, she found the healer Pjotr Elkunoviz in 2003. Through her own Spiritual Realinment and the subsequent treatment, she was allowed to feel the grace of God very clearly. At that moment her heart was completely filled with light, love and gratitude. Now she knew that spiritual healing is also her path and her destiny to serve people and the Highest.
Since 2006 she has dedicated herself with love and devotion to people through spiritual healing. In 2009 she was placed in the ability of Spiritual Realignment by Pjotr Elkunoviz. Since then she has been a daily witness to the miracle of Spiritual Realignment on humans and animals. As an Spiritual Realignment healer, wife and since 2016 also teacher of Spiritual Realignment, she has been conducting a common healing center with love and devotion together with Pjotr since 2011, currently in Potsdam. Charlene and Pjotr have always travelled through many countries to hold healing days and seminars and to share their knowledge and many years of experience with people.
Both continue to strive to renew and evolve for greater health and well-being for the Highest Good.

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