Die Geistige Aufrichtung feiert 35 Jahre Jubiläum durch den Initiator Pjotr Elkunoviz.

Formation in Spiritual Healing and New Consciousness

Healer Training Berlin Demonstration

Formation in Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Realignment from the ORIGINAL in Berlin

Every human being comes with a task, a mission and a physical form onto Earth. Regardless from which vantage point one considers the life of each individual, each single person one was granted access to this planet in order to express a specific idea, an ability or a particular level of consciousness. We are now in the first phase in the development of a new age!

Only a human collective transformation in consciousness will bring about the ability to listen to the call of the healing of our planet.

Pjotr Elkunoviz is the originator of an energy, who through a beneficial divine power has been restoring the lost order in human beings for the last 27 years. With God he fulfills the Divine Plan together with his wife Charlene. They teach the art of spiritual healing with great love and dedication at their healing and initiation centre in Berlin.
The healing formation is suitable for anyone who is already active in healing professions such as medical doctors, naturopaths, therapists and for all anyone who through self-healing wants to bring healing to the world.

The seminars are structured around separate modules that anyone can attend them according to their need and individual rhythm (in the prescribed order). We begin with self-healing for a new consciousness. The fire and enthusiasm for the art of healing grows with every level, as one notices transformations within oneself, new awareness, and one’s spiritual development. Students learn how to apply the energy of the new order – the energy of the absolute.

Heilerausbildung Berlin Hände
Heilerausbildung Berlin Hände

The seminars are in progress, if you are interested, please send us an email with your contact details. We will contact you as soon as the seminars are offered again.

We’re looking forward to you.

With lightfilled greetings, Pjotr and Charlene Elkunoviz

Spiritual Healer 1

The Art of 3-Healing®

  • Principles of 3-Healing®
  • Mental healing
  • Distance healing

Spiritual Healer 2

Healing through the Word

  • Spiritual Healing Agent
  • Creation of programmed light cards and healing cards

Prerequisite: Non Smoker


Spiritual Healer 3

Spiritual Alchemy

  • Spiritual Alchemy
  • Healing with Crystals
  • Spiritual Surgery

Spiritual Realignment® – Formation

The ORIGINAL Initiation Seminar for Spiritual Realignment Healing take place upon completion of all the Spiritual Healer 1-3 seminars taught by the originator Pjotr Elkunoviz and his wife Charlene.

  • Prerequisite: health-conscious nutrition

Spiritual Realignment® – advanced training

Advanced training seminar for members of the Healer-Light-Network Spiritual Realignment® – Healers



All information regarding the seminars are sent out by mail. Please send us your address by email at info@elkunoviz.org

We look forward to hear from you!

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