Die Geistige Aufrichtung feiert 35 Jahre Jubiläum durch den Initiator Pjotr Elkunoviz.


Heilerausbildung Berlin Lichtnetzwerk

Spiritual Realignment ® Healer-Network

Pjotr Elkunoviz is the originator of Spiritual Realignment. Charlene and Pjotr Elkunoviz are the messengers of Spiritual Realignment.

Carolin and Alexander Toskar are the founders of the Healer-Light-Network and healers of Spiritual Realignment® treatments in Cologne, Munich and Zurich.

This is where you will find all the healers who are active in the spirit of Spiritual Realignment:


They were initiated into the Spiritual Realignment energy either through
Pjotr and Charlene Elkunoviz or through Pjotr’s son Alexander Toskar and his wife Carolin Toskar.

The newsletter for healing impulses for everyday life, inspirations on spiritual topics and reminders for dates for healing days & events will inform you about news about ours at irregular intervals. Please subscribe to our newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time, e.g. via a link in the newsletter.