Die Geistige Aufrichtung feiert 35 Jahre Jubiläum durch den Initiator Pjotr Elkunoviz.

Dear client,

We are pleased that you have booked an online treatment appointment with us.

There are also 2 important informations as follows:

• Please send us an e-mail at info@elkunoviz.org at least 1 day before your treatment with your topics to be treated: mentally, emotionally and / or physically. So we have the opportunity to deal with your topics in advance.

• You have the option of carrying out your treatment either via Skype or Zoom. If you have a Skype address, please send us your Skype address in advance. If not, we will send you a link for the treatment via Zoom at the agreed treatment appointment; you do not need an account for this.
• Your treatment appointment is 50 minutes. It is important that you have the necessary rest during this time.

The treatment time includes:
• Short conversation
• Spiritual Realignment
• Purification of the energy bodies
• Treatment of the subjects
• if required: activation of the hand centers for self-treatment

If you have any questions, please contact us here or call +49 331-9791-8947.

With bright greetings,
Charlene and Pjotr ​​Elkunoviz

Notice: A healer is neither a doctor nor alternative medical practitioner. Spiritual Healing / Spiritual Realignment is not a healing in a medical sense but a spiritual process. The healers will not make promises of a cure nor will they make a diagnosis. Spiritual Healing / Spiritual Realignment does not replace medical treatments in case of physical or mental illness or any suspected illnesses. Your participation is voluntary.